VMX17 AIS System Plug Kit

Short description:
Kit of rubber plugs and caps needed to plug off the Air Induction System to avert popping or back-firing during deceleration. Includes 2 conical end plugs and three end caps. Kit can be installed several different ways. What's involved: At a minimum the installation requires removing; the...
10 days
23 item(s)

Kit of rubber plugs and caps needed to plug off the Air Induction System to avert popping or back-firing during deceleration. Includes 2 conical end plugs and three end caps. Kit can be installed several different ways.

What's involved: At a minimum the installation requires removing; the operators seat, meter 2 cover, faux tank cover and right scoop to gain access to the AIS system hoses and solenoid.  

Easy Method: Remove the two long hoses from the AIS solenoid and insert the conical shaped plugs in the hose ends. Use the OEM clamps to secure them. Remove the short hose between the air box and AIS solenoid. Install rubber cap on the air box opening. A nicely detailed guide on how to do a typical install of the AIS kit can be found here

If included, the extra red caps are High Temp Silicone caps. They are used for capping off the AIS ports at the cylinder head allowing complete removal of the AIS hoses. Subject to availability.